Essential Rewards

If you are actively using your essential oils, and you're not doing Essential Rewards then you're losing out on an opportunity to get FREE products. I'll admit that when I first because a Young Living Distributor I didn't take advantage of Essential Rewards. I was a little confused about what it entailed and I was so used to other companies forcing me into some agreement that I just assumed this was no different. How wrong I was, I'm just sick at the thought of how much I lost in free product!!

Essential Rewards is an agreement to place one order a month at a minimum of $50 PV. You're able to stop at anytime, you have one grace month a year and best of all you earn a percentage back in product credit for each month. Even if you only wanted to replace the oils in your Premium Starter Kit with 15ml bottles* (they're triple the size of the bottles that came in your starter kit) you could spread it across six months and earn $35 in free product. Have more questions about Essential Rewards? Check out our Essential Rewards page or contact me, I would love to answer any questions you may have.