
Mindwise is a relatively new product from Young Living and it's purpose is to support normal brain
and cardiovascular health. It's a great product for those wanting to support mental function, enhance memory and those interested in protecting against diminished cognitive function.

What's In It?

  • Sacha Inchi Nut Oil - Sacha inchi is one of the oldest cultivated plants in Peru. It's a great source of linoleic acid and offers the best saturated to unsaturated fat ratios of any plant.
  • GPC - A supplement here in the United States but in Europe it's an ingredient that is in drugs given to Alzheimer's patients. 
  • COQ10 - Found in every cell of the body. It is a lot more potent in an oil form and helps build cellular energy.
  • Tumeric - Helps with Dementia and Alzheimer. India has relatively little of their population that suffer from Dementia and Alzheimer and it's believed to be because of all the Tumeric they consume.
What Does It Taste Like?

My husband, Tim, describes it best by saying it tastes like a sweet V8. I do know what it does not taste like. It does not taste fishy and it does not smell fishy. It's the only health supplement I've seen work for brain function that does not smell or taste like fish oil. That in itself is worth it for me!

How Do I Know It Works?

My husband has had a horrible memory ever since I've known him. If I send him to the store without a list for more than one thing he'll never return with the two things I wanted. It's also a normal occurrence for us to get into the car, I'll tell him where we're going and then he'll drive past the store forgetting what our agenda was. I ordered Mindwise using my Essential Reward points I had earned. I didn't really expect it to work for Tim but I wanted to give it a try and it was free since I was using my rewards. Tim took 2 tbsp a day for the first 10 days and then 1 tbsp a day after that. After only 25 days I'm a believer! A perfect example...last night we were going to sleep and an appointment popped in my head. I told Tim "tomorrow I need you to send me your plans for March 12th" and then we went to sleep. This morning at 9 am I get a text from him outlining his plans for the 12th. I had forgotten but he didn't! Mindwise is working for us and I will never have an ER order process that doesn't have Tim's monthly bottle of MindWise included.

Mindwise Product Information Sheet