Valor is another of my lifeline oils. Being that Young Living is now limiting the purchase of this oil to one bottle a month for every account it's obvious I'm not the only one that depends on Valor. Valor® is an empowering combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Renowned for its strengthening qualities, Valor enhances an individual's internal resources. It has also been found to help energy alignment in the body. When we have more courage to take on new things and/or change, we are better able to release old patterns that are not working for us.
About the Key Ingredients in Valor Essential Oil:
- Spruce-Helps to open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance and grounding.
- Rosewood-Has a balancing effect on emotions and may help to uplift feelings of despair. Rosewood also helps to create synergism with all other oils.
- Blue Tansy-Helps cleanse the liver and calm the lymphatic system, helping one to overcome anger and negative emotions and promote a feeling of self-control.
- Frankincense-Contains sesquiterpened enabling it to go beyond the blood brain barrier where it is elevating to the mind and helps to overcome feelings of sadness and despair. The fragrance of frankincense increases spiritual awareness and promotes meditation.
For the Home
- Amazing Aftershave - Homemade Mommy makes an aftershave for her husband with 2 oz. of coconut oil, 10 drops of Valor, 5 drops of Idaho Blue Spruce, and 15 drops of Eucalyptus radiata.
For Wellness
- Pain Cream - My families pain cream of choice includes 1 cup coconut oil, 10 drops Valor, 10 drops Peppermint and 10 drops PanAway. My family can feel relief within minutes of application.
- Tend Leg Muscles - Apply 2 drops to the heels of the feet to ease leg muscle tension.
- Joint Pain - Dilute 1-2 drops of Valor and apply directly onto the joints wherever there is pain.
- Back Aches - Apply 1-2 drops of Valor essential oil to the base of the spine and to the bottoms of feet.
- Stiff Neck - Rub two drops of Valor directly onto your neck. It will work directly on healing the stiffness.
- Spinal Balance - Rub 1-2 drops on the bottoms of both feet, then do the same with several drops up and down the spinal column. If applied before a chiropractor adjustment, you will hold the adjustment longer!
For Emotional Balance
- Anxiety - Apply it to the neck, chest and feet. Take care to breathe it in.
- Courage - Diffuse or dab on your wrists or the base of your neck.